This is the front panel of the
20-M CW/SSB transceiver. The antique National tuning dial
solves the "reverse tuning" problem of the VFO.
The VFO tunes down from 5.5 MHz through 5.0 MHz as the
rig tunes up from 14.0 MHz to 14.5 MHz. The dial not only reverses
mechanical direction of the VFO shaft, but also provides
a mechanical variable tuning rate. The tuning rate is
selected by moving the silver ball detent, visible just
above the main tuning knob.
"retro" technology, with ugly construction.
But, it works.
The AI2Q log shows
DXCC on 20-M fone with this rig, feeding 1.5-W into a
doublet antenna at a height of 66-ft.
Click on image for a
magnified view of this 10-in. x 10-in. transceiver cube.